Monday, 30 January 2012

Filming- News Report and Petrov at desk

This post will show you videos from the latest scenes that have been shot, with brief analysis explanations of how they went, and what shots were used etc.

News Report scene    
This is a news report scene for the trailer. It was shot in a green screen studio, with natural lighting. The green screen was used so that images could be placed behind the reporter also it allows a News Reporting studio to be edited, without having to actually use one.

this shoot when rather well, and has been edited using simple after effects techniques such as basic position moving and rotation, also text is being added to create a realistic news scene. 

These two shots, are very conventional shots, and all of the G.O.O.D production group were involved.
Our actor Georgina Kerwin was great here, and played the role of a news reporter very well. The shot is still, and a mid shot something that research showed to be conventional of a News Report, however the context of what is being said, is conventional of an action film news report, and that is why this shot works so well.
Here is a BBC news report. As you can see similar shots have been used, and the actress is conventional of a female news reporter, because their voice makes everything more dramatic, which is the effect we are going for.
All that needs to be added to our clip, is a slow zoom, as you can see in the one below. This zoom slowly builds tension, to the final line.

Petrov Kane ''looking forward to it'' scene

The shots you see here need to be edited, by adding a smoke filled atmosphere, as the actor is smoking. The shot however came out perfect, and the mise en scene is great such as the use of alcohol on the table, as this is stereotypical of a Russian Gangster. 

the shot is a long tracking shot, to build tension up to the point of when the actor talks. It is a low angle, however it is subtle. This is to make the actor seem dominant in the situation 

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