Below is all the clips that have so far been shot and have been edited. Some edits are simple such as colour corrections however some are heavily edited in after effects. The lead editor, Charlie Morgan took charge on that particular clip, and showed the other members how it was done.
A typical romance scene, on a bridge, in a city, however the shot is what makes this conventional of a romance shot. A two shot is used, and the actors are composed, into the shape that appears almost like a love heart. I constructed the compostition also shot this shot, as i had pictured it in my mind, and this is how i wanted it, also it was better to take the shot into my own hands as i could portray what i was seeing.
I have told the group, that if they see a shot in their minds, dont hesitate to say so, and attempt it. Alex leigh has taken on board this comment, and has used it well in the action scenes, mentioning that it is conventional to use low angle shots, rather than high angle, as it looks better but also creates another P.O.V of action or a fight.
The Shard Stunt
The shard is the newest building that has been built in London, and we decided to do a shot of Frank repelling down the side of it. This of course was going to be edited using 2 separate shots one of the building itself, and then a green screen shoot of Frank repelling. The actions would be copied as it clearly isn't possible for this to be done.
When this was being edited, we decided to add an explosion. The reason for this is because we realised that our trailer had very few special effects like this, and as it was an action film, it demanded the need of an explosion so we added one. The entire explosion was edited, using plug ins for After Effects CS4 and making fire, smoke also the glass of the building was edited to make it seem as though it had actually shattered.
And here is the final product for the explosion, there are bits in this that will be cut out due to the editing not matching up to other areas of the clip, other than that we are all pleased with this outcome.
A Link will be uploaded of How i went about creating this, in Adobe After effects. Also the sound version can be found at 8246 Trinity Alexander Leigh, as he is the lead sound editor.
We both sat down when looking at this shot and applying the sounds, and debated about a stereotypical explosion. We actually selected multiple sounds rather than one, to get the full effect, such as glass shatters, glass falling, rumbling, shaking, fire crackling and wind.
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