Monday, 26 March 2012


Here are all of my final products, including the joined production video

the two red themed gun shot text shatter posters, the character profiles, are the groups work

we all individually gave our ideas, but worked on it as a team

The Film time magazine front cover, is my individual ancillary task, as mentioned in previous posts, we all agreed to produce a magazine cover each, so we could portray our individual skills

There are two silver themed posters, which are also character profiles
This is a poster i produced, as an original idea, which then never went ahead, because we felt that the red themed ones looked better

I saw the images that were there, in a photoshoot album, and decided out of my spare time, to create another poster. The group members really liked how they were beginning to look so we decided to add them to our collection of posters

The accidental Miracle

When we started ancillary tasks, as you know, we began to produce a DVD cover, however we later learned, that there was no requirement to do this ancillary task
At the time it was near completion so the group just decided to add it to the massive advertising campaign, that is THE PELICAN HUNTER 

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