As you know, G.O.O.D has recently recorded their first set of clips, they will be uploaded when the entire group has approved them as good to go, or usable, if they are not and the clips are in need of re-recording, then they will be uploaded at a later date, under a post of scrapped footage.
enough of that, this post is about the props. G.O.O.D's trailer, is obviously in need of props, and because recording will be undertaken on a regular basis, the props will need to be available, so guns, handcuffs, and any other props were acquired for future shooting, and have been detailed to look as real as possible. Some weapons aren't usable in some areas of the country, therefore the use of them will be restricted so allot of thought will have to go into that, however some of the weapons are fine, and a post will be added taking you through the steps that need to be taken for legal reasons.
Anyway, below are images of the props already acquired at this stage, also pictures from a workshop of detailing the weapons were taken and will also be posted in this post.
These are pictures of an unprofessional work shop, however the skills undertaken were of a good quality and skill, so the outcome was no where near different to a professional Workshop.
This weapon is an M16 1/3 scale replica. this will not be used for close ups more just as an out of focus prop, perhaps for a scene with a henchman of Petrov, where the guns are likely to be small and weak, in contrast to Frank's, large weapons with cool military attachments.
These are four great guns that have been acquired because they are real movie props, used from the films HELL TO PAY starring Dave Courtney, a fairly popular gangster film star. They are made of real metal and fit lifelike scale 1/1 brass bullets, that fit perfectly into the revolvers(gun type)6 or 8 holes. these guns are the guns being talked about in the above briefing because they aren't legal in all areas of the country, they must be constricted in suitcases also in Non-public places.
Two out of Four of the weapons, will be used by Petrov (bottom two on this image), mainly because this style of gun, will often be used by a Gangster, or Drug dealer, mainly because of its historical nature. Also a magnum revolver is the most powerful pistol in the world, so that may be another reason it is chosen in films, to add a toughness to the character
Below, are images of two watches, both of which will be worn by Frank as part of his outfit, but also fits under props because they will have some relevance in the film.
This image is modelling two props. The gun pouch is a prop used by Frank in the film to add a stealth, Special Forces effect to his costume, the well equipped costume, however the gun inside is a prop that will be used for scenes where the risk isnt willing to be taken of damaging the weapon perhaps a fight scene or a stunt scene, so this will be known as a replacement prop used for long distance shot.

This image shows partially the same features as the one above, however this pouch holds a knife not a gun. The knife is made of rubber, not for legal reasons, but for safety reasons. when fight scenes with a knfe take place, G.O.O.D arent willing to take the risk of damage to an actor/actress, with a real, damaging blade. An identical blade to this, however a harder material has also been purchased so that any scenes that require contact with the blade, such as a stabbing visual, or a block, then the harder material will be used so there is no bend in the material, therefore no unrealistic footage.
Gloves to be worn as part of the Revenge costume
Bullets to be put into the revolvers
rubber bullets used for the shotgun belt, worn by any actor the gun is assigned to.
War/face paint, used for the solider look. maybe will be worn by Frank
harder material knife
MP5 used by the special forces, Frank will use this to symbolise the fact that he once was a Special Forces Soldier. Equipped with a strap made in a workshop.
The shotgun that was spoke about above. Originally a fully silver weapon, but half was spray painted black so that this gun could be used by any actor from any side of the story, whether it being an Enemy or Frank. When decided upon the gun will be spray painted accordingly. Black for Frank, Silver for Petrov. This may be confusing as you may be thinking about the rule often used in films of Black being used to symbolise evil, and white being used to symbolise good, but in this case black is used to create stealth, and silver is used as the effect of the presence of jewellery, for a gangster likes their jewellery, so a silver weapon to them is like a jewel.
Handcuffs for arrest scene, metal ones are used for close ups, plastic are used for long shots, when Petrov is resisting arrest.
-Charlie Morgan